I have some likes and dislikes about Ball Point. I'm quite surprised that I actually like this for the most part. I like the fact that it helps add structure to our English courses. I feel like it's making our English course into perfect "cookie cut" shapes. Which ultimately is a great thing because that way all of the English courses are covering all the same exact material. I think it's a great component to all English courses by being a resource for students outside of class. Especially for any new student to the "college experience". Ball Point gives any new student the direction of how to do their personal best in their English course or any course.
What I didn't exactly like was how long it was. Though, I'm not much of a reader, unless the material I'm reading is about castles, people flying on brooms, mystical creatures, "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" and the "Boy Who Lived". Then I'm all for reading! But back to the topic, I did find this extremely helpful though and feel like it'll be very useful for me to refer to later on down the road.
So all an all I can say almost nothing but good about Ball Point, even though I'm still quite surprised about this.
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