Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Great Expectations

First I want to start off by saying this may have been the most boring thing I have ever read. However it was very important to read this because it gives us help on what we need to know about the class we are enrolled in. It gives a great background of information about what we should expect and what is expected of us. In chapter one, it is a lot like a really long syllabus. It talks about attendance, grading, behavior, withdrawing from the class, and most importantly plagiarism. Chapter 2 explains how philosophy is put into the class.

Chapter one is all something we should be familiar with since we have all taken English 103. We know that going to class in going to help our grades. The behavior part is something we should have learned in Elementary School. Plagiarism is still something we should be familiar with but it is always good to be reminded about because it is the most tempting. It would just be so much easier to not cite your sources and just let them be. Even though I know not to plagiaries sometimes I feel like a common mistake can be seen as plagiarism just because citing sources can be so difficult. Also with so many different ways to cite sources some of us may not be as familiar with the new MLA as others.

Chapter 2 taught us more of what is expected of us when we are writing. It listed all of the rhetorical situations that we need to know while writing our papers. Then it talks about inquiry in the classroom and how English 104 is made to guide us through how to do this. It seems as though English 104 writing is going to be different then writing in English 103 or English 101 and 102.


  1. I must say I HATE citing sources. And MLA confuses me, and I feel like I never do it right. And when I do it feels like it was way too much effort. Maybe if throughout our education how to cite things didn't keep on changing!

    I have the same thoughts on English 104, we're going to be writing differently for sure.

  2. Things area always changing, which is why nobody is ever an expert on anything for long. That's why developing the habits of learning is so important.
