When I saw the assigned work from professor Evans to read the article, "Its the information age, so wheres the information?" by Jill D. Jenson, I just thought to myself, sounds easy enough, ill just google it. Little did I know that that choice would start a long and frustrating search only to find the abstract of the article. I knew my next choice was to search for it on the libraries website using ERIC. This too took me awhile to find what i was looking for, but eventually I did with the help of one of my classmates.
In this article by Jenson, she is pretty spot on in many of her points. If my story about my search for this article didn't prove that, then I don't know what will. She is definitely right about one thing, young students, especially in my age group are strangers to the library. I can say that I rely on google for all of the information I ever need for research, or just for anything I’m curious about. I never think twice that the information could be false and I could be learning something that was completely wrong. That is the risk you take when searching on google instead of doing a little extra work to find scholarly writing. I can't say that I have ever looked for information in a book my entire college experience. I wish as a kid I would have been taught that the library is a helpful place and that its not that hard finding information in a book. One problem with libraries is that they are so large and honestly, I just don’t know where to find things. Its very overwhelming for me to have to search for a book I need.
I think Jensons article is very interesting and very true. College students should be more aware of the libraries programs making it easier to search for scholarly documents. If not that, students should stop being so lazy and go check out some books!
I also hate going into the library and having to try and find out where things are. I was taught in school how to find this information in like 4th grade and haven't had to really use it untill now. Now I forget what I had learned back then.