Sunday, October 24, 2010

Journal 8: Reflection on primary research

I was glad to see such a big response to my survey, I never thought my cohort would be answered by more than 25 people and 51 people responded all questions. Out of the 51, 14 of them were males, although not every male in the class responded to my survey, most of them did. The majority of the respondents are people 25 and under. I wish I had the money to get more analysis out of it, it would like to separate some male vs. female answers as well as by age group.

This survey will be used to represent people’s knowledge of this health issue in America. Although 82% of the respondents know that Heart Disease is the number one killer of women in America, they do not how serious the problem is. This was demonstrated by questions regarding statistics on Heart Disease. Most of the respondents also have trouble identifying symptoms of heart disease besides the obvious chest pain and shortness of breath. The most interesting data gathered with this survey is that even though the group was composed of a majority of young people, most of them 92% trust their doctors with medications and treatment. In my opinion, you should not trust anyone with your own health. If someone gives you medication, look it up, just google it and find out about side effects and long term effects, you might find out it is a drug that could even be dangerous to your health. Sometimes doctors do not have all the answers; they do not know your history except for what you have told them in a 15 minutes office visit. There is something to say about second opinions before you submit to any treatment, in this information age, there is no reason why we should not take charge of our bodies and not let others make decisions for us.


  1. i think that is very interesting! I too will be conducting a survey and i hope to get as good of results as you did!

  2. I thought the survey was a good idea. I just wish you would have added the "I don't know" option because I found myself guessing on a few of the questions. This would have given you an extra data point where you could differentiate between those who are misinformed and those who are uninformed. I feel I am uninformed on many of the issues instead of being misinformed but as the teacher said today, this class isn't about collecting data.

  3. I also Agree that you needed to a "i dont know" to the answers. i was afraid that i would pick the right answer by mistake which is misleading in you results.
