Chapter 11 was very helpful. I especially enjoyed the part about common argument paterns. The part about making a proposal is what really fits with my research project. This is something that I have been struggling with and now after reading this I think I have a better idea of how best to split my paper. This is something that can be hard to do when you have two parts to your paper and you have to decide which part is going to take up the majority of the paper. The only thing was that it wasn't really clear about how determine which part should be the focus it leaves it up in the air which I suppose is something is that varies based on every indivdual paper. It would be nice if they would at least give some more specific ideas or examples to help in deciding which is more important. It also didn't mention whether it is possible for both sections to be essentially the same size.
I also liked the part about common presentational patterns and have always just summed up to the most important part of the paper and never really considered that if might be best with a hostile or even apathetic audience to use your biggest gun first and then go back and empathesize your most important argument in your conclusion. This is something that sounds like it might be good strategy even if your audience is not hostile to the topic.
I agree that it would have been more effective for the author to give more examples. I also enjoyed the aspect of the writing where the writer showed strategy when writing.