Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Little Late

The purpose of Chapter 1 in ballpoint, was to specify requirements for English 104. It was a bit boring because it was basically a syllabus. I really didn't get too much out of it, I know what the requirements are for passing. This isn't my first rodeo. However, this chapter did review what each of the following chapters were going to cover. It also reviewed the fundamental beliefs of the English department at BSU. The university believes the writing and reading serves you in four ways: professionaly, democratically, critically, and personally. In general I view these beliefs as being true, but especially how writing and reading serves you personally. They certainly allow us to discover our passions, and what are beliefs are, as well as to compare them with views from others.
Ball State recently revised the course goals for this class. They said the changes were made in order to emphasize the rhetorical nature of writing and reading. The style in which one writes, and how they structure their writing can be just as important as content. Another goal of Ball State was to increase unity and coherence among courses. To me this was chosen just to look good on their website. I guess I just don't understand how taking this course is going to increase unity among my other courses. In my opinion, things are often made more difficult than they need to be. Ball State's philosophy could have been made much less elaborat. In reality when it comes to their philosophy on writing, who really cares?

1 comment:

  1. They were talking about unity and coherence among all English 104 courses being taught--in other words, all instructors should be "on the same page," so to speak, in terms of meeting university goals.
