Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Research Topic

To write a 12 page paper, you must be able to easily discuss the topic without any slight sense of boredom. This way, you are always intrigued in the information you find and you clearly think and come up with ideas in your head. If you were to choose a topic that has no meaning to you personally, then you'll find yourself just simply going through the routine motions of writing a research paper. For my topic, I chose to go down the path of something I've always loved, music. More specifically, band break-ups. Although many people feel as if this topic would have little to no direction at all, I have decided to hone in on why bands break rather than just the hiatus in general. I already consider myself knowledgeable in a musical sense, so I thought this topic would be enjoyable to me. I have a grasp that bands break up for multiple reasons including financial disputes, medical illnesses, family problems, consistent negativity towards band members, and sometimes a band member just wants to go in a different direction. I don't think the answer is the same in all cases, but perhaps I can find a similarity between them and get to the root of most problems. To do this, I'll have to delve into the history of the band as well as their career as musicians. Luckily, I have knowledge of most of the influential bands of our time. I will reference, The Beatles, Guns N Roses, Pink Floyd, Blink 182, and some other smaller bands that will be mentioned in my paper.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a really good topic! I love music too and hope to read your paper when you are done.
