Friday, December 17, 2010

Another Web Site...

Film Music Website

I decided to do a website because that was the medium I felt most familiar with. Having made websites in past TCOM courses, I felt almost nostalgic as I rushed through this site and another site I had to create this week. Hopefully you have a look and enjoy the fine craftsmanship (wink wink, nudge nudge). In all seriousness though, mucho criticism requested.


  1. i liked how inviting it felt i would take to time to watch the videos

  2. I liked the way you formatted your site.

    Maybe more pictures and less words...haha

  3. The site looks nicely done, and you have some interesting videos on it. Good job!

  4. Good website. I'll be sure to check it out later to watch the videos.

  5. Uhh, condense all of your video links into one page, as it is now it looks like your website is just three videos. Other than that it looks nice.

  6. I liked how you provided examples of movies with and without music. Good website, and it was appealing.

  7. Good website!! I enjoyed looking at it :)
