Thursday, December 16, 2010

Power Point to make my point

I chose to use the medium of a power point to present my information that I gathered in doing my research about exercise and eating right. I wanted to do a video, but I just couldn't think of what I could put in it that would get the point across better than stating the facts directly. From my time spent working with the program, Power Point seems get get broad topics across pretty well, so I think I made the right choice. When I do my presentation, I will be going over how much exercise a person needs, of what kind, and give some information about what a healthy diet consists of. Hope you like it!


  1. very informative. Really enjoyed your presentation.

  2. Your presentation had great detail about your topic which was good. I think you chose the right medium for your topic.

  3. sorry i missed your i wasnt in the class room at the time

  4. Liked your points, especially the eating habits.

    Speak louder, make your presentation even better

  5. Very informative video with a lot of good advice.

  6. Very well done, you clearly did your research. Though I have to add, maybe speak a little louder next time. Good job! :)

  7. loved your presentation! I thought it was very informative and i actually learned a lot from it!
